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Maxforce Fc Select roach killer bait gel

Maxforce Fc Select roach killer bait gel, is easily the most popular USA roach bait available on the market. The poison, is protected to be used in the most sensitive of application sites.

Maxforce Fc Select roach killer bait gel delivers unbeatable, professional results in infestation elimination. Powered by a unique, high-performing bait matrix, Maxforce fc select roach killer bait gel targets even the toughest species of gel bait-averse roaches including German and Brown-Banded. Apply Maxforce fc Select cockroaches get as a crack and crevice treatment indoors and outdoors in commercial, residential, and industrial sites. 

Maxforce Gel may be used in single and multi-family residential structures, schools, industrial and commercial facilities (including warehouses, apartments, supermarkets, restaurants, motels, hotels, hospitals, food handling/storage establishments) and transportation equipment for example aircraft, trains, ships, motorboats, buses.

Video of how to use maxforce gel

  • For heavy infestations of cockroaches, apply 3 to 5 spots of Maxforce cockroach gel bait per 10 linear feet
  • for light to moderate infestations of cockroaches, apply 1-3 spots of Maxforce cockroach gel bait per 10 linear feet
  • each spot of Maxforce  gel bait should equal about .5 grams

as show in the video  :

Why is Maxforce gel so good?

It just works. The Avion®Maxforce gel is used widely for professional roach extermination by pest control agencies worldwide. Second, the Maxforce gel is really profitable to use. You can control and reduce up to 100 cockroaches with only several drops due to the Indoxacarb delayed effect. You can use the Maxforce both indoors and outdoors. For indoors, the gel is recommended for any residential including hotels, restaurants, hospitals, offices and so on. But be careful when you use Maxforce outdoors, it can just go dry quickly and no effect would be produced. Also, besides cockroaches, Maxforce  can be effective for other pests too. You can use it for ants or any other minor bugs.

So, what makes Maxforce cockroaches gel so special? If you have already checked any of the Maxforce  cockroach gel bait reviews, you probably know that it has a secret ingredient which is called Indoxacarb. Indoxacarb is the key ingredient in the Maxforce gel and honestly, it’s a real breakthrough in the cockroach killing methods. Indoxacarb is a unique pesticide, which was developed by the DuPont company. The DuPont company specializes in ants, cockroaches, and other pests professional elimination. Besides being the cockroach poisoner, Indoxacarb is also used in animal pharmacology.

How does it work?

The Maxforce gel is a cockroaches bait and it serves as a roach food, that attracts them to try it. Put several drops onto the wall in the room or put some on the floor to get roaches under control. The terms of roaches extermination and gel efficiency depend mostly on the number of cockroaches you want to eliminate. For a small number of roaches, it usually takes up to 1 week of using the Maxforce gel, if the invasion includes more than 50-100 individuals, it can take you from 1 to 2 weeks. Also, take into consideration the number of rooms and their sizes.